Number Thirty Seven, September13th, 2012


She's six years of fun
Six years of play
A little bit lazy
But we like her that way
Sometimes she knocks me down
When I need her, she's always around

She sleeps in my bed
When the nights are cool
The sound of her snoring
The puddles of drool
That's OK, you see
Even her germs are friends to me

Sadie, you're my inspiration
Love me, more than I imagine
Love you never disguise
Always there in your big brown eyes

She misses us
When we go away
Looking for someone
Else to play
Her red collar's always in style
Her sharp little teeth you can see in her smile

So jump into bed
Say goodnight
Find a good spot
As I turn out the light
You lick my face in the dark
Sadie, I love you with all my heart